ECCC Policies & Procedures
Policy No: 415
Policy Contact: Vice President for Instruction
A student may register for a credit course without earning college credit for the course. In such case, the student will be classified as an Audit-Registered student. The Audit-Registered applicant must apply for regular admission and be accepted by the College. Once accepted, the student’s declaration of intention to audit a course(s) must be made through the completion of the Course Audit Request Form prior to registration for a course(s). The Course Audit Request Form must be submitted to the Vice President for Instruction for approval. Once the Course Audit Request Form is submitted and approved, the student cannot request to change the audited course(s) back to a for-credit course at any time. Students cannot audit an online course. The student will receive no credit and no quality points for the course. Audit courses will be noted on the transcript as AU (Audit). Tuition and fee charges for audited courses are the same as credit courses. An audited course should not be considered as an opportunity for a student to repeat a course to improve a grade. (Added 3/21/17 )
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