' . ECCC baseball season begiris with First Pitch Dinner Feb. 2 I > . " . ' ' ~4· ~ . ; .. .. \. . - . From press reports well ~oun~.ed tp~r~on I World Series. have ever coached, and .:Phillips was a sev- East Central Com.mu- been around." · enth:rouhd draft pick nity College's baseball A · fo\rr-year. letter by the New .York Yan– program. officially ush - winner (1996-99) and kees in 1999. He made ers in the new season first-team 'All-Ameri" his Major League debut . with the annual First can for Alaoam~ (1999), on Sept. ·14,·2004, and Pitch Dinner scheduled Phillips played for the in his first at-bat, he at 6:30p.m. Saturday, New York Yankees belted a home run over Feb. 2, 2013, in Mabry (2004-07), New York t he Green Monster · in Memorial Cafeteria on Mets (2008) and Fenway Park on the t he Decatur campus. Cincinnati Reds (2008) first pitch from Terry Andy Phillips, an as- during his Major Adams. sistant baseball coach League Baseball ca- He is one of seven at the University of Al- reer. players (EC alumnus abama, will serve as In his four seasons at Marcus Thames of . guest speaker. Alabam~ 4 "" Phillips Louisville is also ·in- · "Coach Phillips is an posted a career .356 eluded in the presti– except ional person who batting average with 61 gious group) to homer also experienced sue- home runs, 224 RBis in his first at-bat as a cess as a collegiate and and 322 hits. Yankee and became the professional baseball He ended his car eer 21st player in MLB his– player, and · now as a as the all-time leader in· tory to hit a home run coach ," said ECCC home runs, RBis and on the first pitch of his · head baseball coach hits, and currently career. Neal · Holliman. "We holds the school record Phillips is a native of look forward to hearing in home runs, hits and Tuscaloosa but later about his experiences total bases (590). moved to Demopolis, as well as his guidance In t he history of the where he played baseball and motivation on what Alabama baseball pro- for the Demopolis Acad– it takes to be a success- gram., Philips is one of emy Generals. He was a ful baseball player ." three players with 50 41st-round selection out Phillips is a former home runs and 200 of high school by the Mil– baseball standout for RBis, and one of four waukee Brewers as a ·· the Crimson Tide and players with 300 hits. shortstop in 1995 but in- followed that success The Crimson Tide ad- stead joined the Crimson with a five-year stint in vanced to the NCAA Tide baseball program. Major League Baseball. Tournament all four He and his wife, . He is in his third year years of Phillips' ca- Bethany, have a daugh– as hitting and infield reer, including three ter, Isaiah. coach for Alabama College World Series Tickets to the ECCC head coach Mitch Gas- appearan-ces: He iS one First Pitch Dinner are pard. of two players to make $26 for adults and $15 APPEARED I "We are very fortu- three CWS appear- for children age 12 and nate to have Andy on ances. As a freshman in under. · our staff," said Coach 1996, Phillips 'was ·part · For more information, CARTHAGINI Gaspard. "He was~ a of a 50-19 sq~ad that contact Coach Neal Hol- player captured the South- liman, 601~635-6374 or .T NEWTON CO here, and I couldn't be eastern Conference reg- call toll free, 877-462- ------ 8 . ' happier with his deci- ula1· season and 3222, ext. 374. The e-!8 1 PIRIT OF Mt sion to return to Ala- tournament titles and mail address is ----+-.- MER bama. Andy is t he most advanced to the Cpllege nholliman@eccc.edu. lURNAL _ IDIAN StAR .· CLARION·LI5DGER -- - ·,. .. ... . I · :~·t ·~ .. · . " phenomenal
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