• Chance Whitten, a 6-5, 195- pound first baseman/outfielder from South Panola High School. Honors include District Player of the Year and Best Offensive Player Award. His high school coach is Justin Reed. Whitten's parents are Jim and Melanie Whitten of Batesville. Coach Holliman said of Whitten: "Chance is another physical young man with the frame to be a very impressive player. With continued strength and weight, he will max.im.i.ze his ability as a hitter working at first base and the outfield." • Blake Pugh, a 6-2, 182- pound right-handed pitcher from Wayne Academy, Honors include District Most Valuable Player (twice), State Runner-Up in Strikeouts as a sophomore and
from t: !ell side. The best way to deSt'' 1ht: Nick is that he is a base– ball player." • Ryan Ward, a 5-10, 170- pound right-handed pitcht!r/infielder from Madison– Ridg bnd Academy. Honors inclu.t · 20 l2 MAIS First Team All-( onference and 2012 MAIS First t~am All-State. His high sch(' school coacn lS Josh Ray. Myers' parents are Tun and VickieMyers of Philadelphia. Coach Holliman said of Myers: "Without a question, Will has a tremendous work ethic and strength. He provides pop from the left side of the plate as well as a strong arm that allows us to use him in both aspects on the field. For more information on the ECCC Baseball Program, contact Coach Neal Holliman, 601-635- 6374 or call toll free, 877-462- 3222,ext. 374. His e-mail address is nholliman@eccc.edu.
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