anrtolinCes ~ baseball- team signeeSIOf U}Jcoining season
Numerous high school baseball standouts have signed national letters of intent to continue their athletic careers at East Central Community Col– lege in Decatur. The 11 student-ath– letes were recognized during a speCial cere– mony held Jan. 15, 2013, in the MollyMcGee Gold Room in Mabry Memo~ rial Cafetena. E CCC head baseball coach Neal Holliman said he is "very pleased" with the recent additions to t he Diamond Warrior program.
New members of the East Central Community College baseball team for 2013-14 are shown signing natiooalletters at Intent duringa special ceremony held Jan.15 on ''This is a tremendous the Decatur campus.~ and their respective h~ schools Include (seated from left) left-handed pitcher Zach MoNdy, Union; left-handed pitcher Nick Wilson, Terry; start ?n our signing class right-handed pitcher/Infielder Ryan Ward andOlrtfielder/ right-handed pitcher Kyle McCullouch, both of Madison-Ridgeland Aeudemy; middle Infielder HunterThmwer, SOUth– for 2013," said Coach east Lauderdale; right-handed pitcher Colby Eaves, Nanih Waiya; first baseman/outfielder ChanceWhitten,South Panola; r1ptlt handed pitcher Blake Pugh, watoe Academy; Holliman. "We are very Infielder Dylan Uttle, Mary G. Montgomery HS, Semmes, AL; middle infielder/ outfielder Reagan Warren, Newton County; and outfielder/left-handed pitcher Will Myers, excited about these Leake Academy. Staoolngfrom left are ECCC baseball coaches Justin Brewer, NealHoUiman (head) and Jack Edmonson. Regarding the si~. Coach Holliman said, '1his young men as additions · is a tremendous start on our signing class for 2013. We are very excited about these youngmen as additions to our baseball program and as well their ability to succeed In to our baseball program 1he classroom. Thetotal package is very important to us at East Central and our past has shown success in both areas as we have been ranked nationally both athletically as well as their ability to and academically. These additions are a tribute to the hard WOf1( of our assistant coaches.• (EC Photo) , succeed in the clas~room. hitter and will contribute from the left side and pionship teams in 2011 Academy. HiE- high ~e total package lS very to our team in a very pos- runs well. He has a very and 2012 at Nanih school coach i~ ,Justin rmportant to us at East itive manner. He pos- good upside and we ex- Waiya. Colby was a very Ainsworth. Pugh'>J par– Central and our l?ast has sesses a loose arm an d pect him to provide sta- heavily sought after ents are Evan I' ugh and shown success m both has a solid breaking ball bility to the middle ofthe pitcher throughout the Crystal Bnnhton of areas as w~ have been from the left side. The lineup as a freshman." state by several commu- Waynesboro rahfe~callationdlly joth best way to describe Nick HunterThrower, a 5-9, nity colleges and univer- Coach Hollimn n saidof at eti Y an a~ em- is that he is a baseball 165-pound middle in- sities. We expect Colby to Pugh; "Blake i. another Jcally. ':f'~ese additions player ." fielder from Southeast provide immediate sta- player that Wl' ft>el pas– nrc n tnbu!e to ~~e hard Ryan Ward, a 5-10, Lauderdale High School. bility within the p1tching sesses trem nci•Hts up– wor k of as~IStant coaches 170-pound right-handed Honors include Best In- rotation as we lot:.e sev- side. He throw{clownhill .J,us tm Bro~~cr and Jack pitcher/infielder from fielder Award 2012 and eral starters on the very well and j,(,~l:lesses l!.dmon~on. · . Madison-Ridgeland All-District. He also mound next year. He an out pitch in ;t l-llider. ,Jo: nmg . t.he Diamond Academy. Honors in- helped lead Southeast also has the ability to be With continutl!l consis– W :u 1101 ~ m 201.3-14 are elude 2012 MAIS First Lauderdale to the Class a dual player as a tency, Blake \\til be an n~ follows: . . . Team All-Conference 3A State Championship. pitcher/hitter:· impact pitchel'. II is was Zal'h Mowdy, a 6• 190- and 2012 MAIS First His high school coach is Chance Whitten, a 6-5, another arm I h. tt was po~nrl ~mtthpaw from 'l'cnm AlJ-Stat.e. Hif; high Shay Cooper 'l'hrower'A 195-pound first b~so- HO~tght, nf11)r hy .ht ht•l'a in Uplc!n Hu-:! 1 Srhool. Uqn- school coach is Allen Pa- parents are Troy and man/outfielder from thll tlmumlni ty. 1 collt•t.v• ors 11 H:ludrUhc. Ail"D~- vatte. Ward's parents Shannon F1askamp of .South ~ Panola _High nmks." Valuable Defensive Player Award. His high school coach is Wyatt Tullos. Warren's parents are Greg and Becky Warren ofDecatur. Coach Holliman said of Warren: "Reagan is an athletic playex that is still growing into his ability. He has a tremen– dous motor and with strength will continue to develop . He also hits from t he left side of the plate and h as the ability to play infield and out– liP lrl " W tll Myers, a 6 2, 205- poun.d~ __:_._southpaw
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