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EC names Davis, Selman
away in 2006." Ron Davis was also a sci– ence instructor for ECCC and served as science di\:ision chair before his death. The Oa\is' have one son, Matthew, who also attended East Cen– tral Community Colle~ and works as design enginecr in Jackson. In addition to her fapily t'On– nection to the college, Patti Davis said she enjoys \\.·orking forEC. "East Central is a great place to work,'' she said. "I know I am able to work \vith the· bec;t students, facultv. and staff Wlywbere." · Davis earn<.'d an a. From school reports Thankfully, I have been influ- r encro by other grPat teachers vvho set models of what a ·each<'r should be." ''I am deeply honored anc grateful to those who norni· nated me," Selman said or r& ceiving the top instructor. honor. Crediting the peoplewho in– fluenced her life for her career success, &>lman sru.d she was fortunate to have role modPls in great teachers tlu·oughout her education and her family. "~Iy high school science teacher set the stage for set– ting high standards and ex– pecting excellence without sacrificing the content," Sel– man said. "I experienced this again in college, as mymother was my advi~ Patti Davis, biology instruc– tor, and Lynn Selman, support seJ'\rices math instructor, were recently selected Academic and Career-Technical Instruc– tors of the Year, respectively, at East Central Community College in Decatur. Davis, a Decatur resident, said she has always had a love for hCience, which eventuallv led to her career as a science instructor. "Teaching science has been a way for me to shar e my love of science with oU1ers," Davis said. "Teaching seemed a great way to do that and to be able to work with people." ··I was very Slll'piised and humbled when I received noti– fication that I had been se– lected. I truly appreciate the honor,'' she said of being se– lected for the hig1:lest academic teachinghonor at the College. Davis currently teaches mi– crobiology and in the pa.c;t has also taught Biology I and Biol– ogy ll and Anatomy and Phys– iology I and II on the Decatur campus. In addition to her on-campus instruction, Davis bas also taught Biology courses online since ECCC began offering eLearning courses. \'11ile at East Central, Da,is ha'- :;;en·ed a.... ~e \itE• presi– ibe tis- .I ; - . ~ ... ~. . ; ' - - ; :5, ~ - heJped \\1th other, '"'I." ... uch u" applied busine~s math, accountingand bem named a Jampligbter, e,.,... tabli-.hl'
food and beverage control" •a:a~-di Selman said she even as- ·----- - sists nursing students as thcv arp tackling dosage calcula– tions during the fall semestPr each year. Selman said she epjoys the interaction with students and assisting them \vith bettering .... • 1!-
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