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- 1 ECCClooks down the road
development, student success, and teaching and learning. Stewart said the term 20!.20 Vision is used "to provide a dear picture of where we arc headed and what we want to achieve by the year 2020. So far, this process has included a review of the college's mis– sion and core values in order to solidify institutional com– mitments necessary to achieve our visio:ti." stewart said the college will start sifting th1·ough the rec– ommendations at the end of January. The final report, which will serve as the col– lege's "road map" for the next eight to 10 years, wiJJ be is– sued in late March or early April, he said. The first forum was held Jan. 15 at the Newton Depot, and the second was held in
From staff reports
East Central Community College is looking at its long– term future by seckingrt'Com– mcndations from the public during a ser ies of forums this month. EC President BillyW. Slew– m·t said information gleaned from lho forums will help the college in its strategic plan– ning process called 20!20 Vi– sion. ''It would be a good plan if just the students and teachers wet·e involved," Stewart said. "But gettingthe community in– volved will make it that much bctler." The college is targeting five areas: community partner– ships, eommunication, re– source planning and
VickJ Blaylock, ~<;ccc·s choral/vocal director, and Roger Whitlock, the college's dean of Workforce Developme speak to retired educator Elton Wall and Decatur aldennan Sid Etie at a forum in Newton Jan. 15. BIU Grcthruntrhc ApJ: al the ~eott County Court- Philadelphia, and .Jan. 29 at forums run from U a.m. t. 'J'hree more forums are ~loURC in f<'ort•st;.Jun. 28 at l.he the Carthage Chamber of p.m. and r efreshments will scht'du.led this month: Jan. 23 Philadt•lphia Depot in Commerce i.n Carthage. The s(•r·n'
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