.instructors of theyear

East Central Community College faculty members Patti Da"is (left) and Lynn Selman, both ofDecatur, received "Instructor of the Year" honors for 2012-13 during the College's end-of-the-year luncheon. Da,is, a member of the science faculty, was named "Academic Instructor of tbe Year." She joined the staff in 1994. Selman, who teaches special popu– lations mathematics, was chosen "Workforce Education Instructor of the Year." She began her employment in 2003.

ments,'' Selman said. "Every day iA different and no matter bow long I have Uiughl I le~ somethin!! new e'-ery year. I IO\ e mN'tin!! new races and helpinl!' people. The '·=t"·' things arc what matters. See– ing students as they 'get' the different concepts is always e.-xciting. ..Onl' of the greatest rewards is SC('i ng students walk across the stage to receive their diploma. I love seeing prople excel and conquer things they weren't sure they could... Selman said she was never cut out for a ''desk job." "I knewI loved working with people and couldn't sit still for a de 'kjob. l couldn't ask for a

better match crut'er-wise," she .said of her teaching career. As a student at \Vllliam Carey C oU(;'{!(:, &>lman re– oeh"Cd t -;, cnt Teacher of Ute Yea to· ~ t "'Phis was a great encour– ~'ment and validated my ca" rect· choice," Rhe said. "It challenges me to always.give my best.·• Prior to working at ECCC, she worked at Petal High School as a math instructor. "~1y husband's job as a stu– dent minister brought us to Dl't'atur," Selman said. "I was not ready tt leave the high school setting, but we moved knowing God had led us here. I ha,·e seiTed as the Support

ServicesMathematics Instruc– tor at East Central for 10years 110\\. I have found a new family of coworkers and continue to grow in my newministry field . Tccu:hing b r( dll~ m) chance to trupact others for Christ. It is all about loving others and encouraging them to give their best in all things." A graduate of William Carey College, Selman E-arned her bachelor of science degree in mathematics i.u1996 and com– pleted her mru:.ter's in educa– tion degree in math education in 1997. Selman and her husband, Shaun, have three children, Kiet·sten (11), Keenan (8), and Kenton ~Kent'' (6). i I 0

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