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EC names Davis, Selman
away in 2006." Thankfully, I have been influ- r Ron Davis was also a sci- enccd by other great teachers ence instructor for ECCC anc who set models of what a
Patti Davis, biology instruc- served as science division tca(•her should be." tor. and Lynn Selman. support chair tx>fore his death. The "1 am deeply honored an~· services math instructor, were Davis' have one son, Matlhew, grateful to those who nonn· recentlv selected Academic who also attended East cen- natedme," Selman said of re– and cffi.eer-T<.'Chnicallnstruc- tral Community College and ceiving the top instructor I tors of the Year, respectively, works as design engineer in honor. at East Central Community Jackson. Crediting thr people who in– College in Decatur In addition to her falplly con~ Duenced her life for her career Davis, a Decatur resident. nection to lhe college, Patti success. Selman said she was said she bas always had a love Da\is said she enjoys \\orking fortunate to have role models for sc 1 ence, \\hlcb eventually for EC. in great teachers through.out led to her career as a science "East Central is a great her education and her family. instructor. place to work," she said. "I "My high school sdence "Teaching science has tx>en know I am able to work with teacher set the o;tage for set– a \Vay for me to share ~y lo\:e tbr best students. faculty, and ting bigb standru·ds and ex– of scienc·e with others, Davts staff anywhere.'' pccting. excellen
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