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EC plans campus improvements
From school reports
Several improvements will soon bemadeon the East Central Com– munity College campus in De– catur as a result of a $92,000 Mississippi Department ofTran~r portation grant presented laat week by Central Transportation Commissioner Dick Hall. 'We are pleased to be part of a project that is a keycomponent in creatingsafe and easy pedestrian access to several areas on the De– catur campus and the Town of Decatur," Hall said. "The grant will be an invaluable investment for East Central students and the Town of Decatur for years to come." College President BillyStewart said the college is "most apprecla· tive" to Commissioner Hall for comingto campus and personally presenting the S92,000 grant check, and looks forward to com– pletion of the much-needed proj– ect. TheMississippi Transportation Commission approved the col– lege's request for up to $92,000 in Federal Transportation Alterna– tive Programfunds at its Apr1123, 2013, meeting. The funds, along with a required 20 percent local match, comprise the total cost of the project. The project includes oonetru<>– tlon of the following: a ftve-foot sidewalk wust or Decatur United Methodist Church and east of l!i0'8 South Ownpue fao11Jtle8 to
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the Barber Hall parkinglot and at South Seventh Avenue. Twelve pedestrian-scale lights will be in- stalled along the
the parking lot ofBarber Hall; an adjoining five. foot sidewalk paral– lel toWest Broad Street (in front of Ethridge Hall and
sidewalks for safety purposeswith added landscapingto beau– tify the area. Cross walk thenno-plastic stripping will be aJr plied to West Broad
the DecaturPublic Li– brary) to the corner of South Seventh Av– enue; an adjoining five-foot sidewalk parallel to South Sev– enth Avenue (west of Ethridge Hall and the
College Board OKI tuition Increase at Ellt Cenlrll cc Page4A
Street cross walk and to the South Avenue Seventh Av– enue cross walk. Stewart said work on the proJ· cet is scheduled to begtn 1n the fall of 2018 wtth estimated oomplet1o.n durtng the sprln«of 2014.
Rives Education Bu1ld1ng); and replacement or thostairs adjacent to theRive EducationalBuUdlng. The project is comprised of 869 foot or 8iduwalk apace wlth hand· icap awooatdble curblnflocated at
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