uting Awards Day Edwin !\filler Medical Services; Kevin Bobbttt of Lake. Howard Sessums Men's Basketball; and Pete McBnde of Forest. Andrew F. Webb Football. Faculty Memorial Awards were presented to Elizabeth Johnson of Philadelphia, J. Wallace Bedwell Business; Joseph Charlton of Little Rock. Frank M. Cross Freshman Chemistry; Emily Mayes of Decatur. Robert G. Fick Memorial; Ashlev Fleming of Philadelphia. Frank Edwin and Nena Holt Leathern·ood Biology Science; Luke McNau of Hickory, J. Andy l\filler Freshman Engineering; Michelle Alawine of Uruon. O.L. Newell Drafting; Pinke} Gordon of Carthage, Charles E. Pennington Business Technology: Amy Warner of Louisville, General William Patnck Wilson General Academic Award; Adam McAdorv of Louisville, Leon Eubanks KaiJYC· Peers: Courtney Puckett of Louis\ille. Ruth Hull \Vo-He-Lo: Shellev Brake of Florence. L.B. SIWmons History; and Blair Anderson of Decatur. Thomas W. Thrash Scholarship. Megan Logan of Newton and Chnsten Herrington of Carthage. ~tudents receiving scholarships to the University of Southern l\lts~ISSlppi include Terance Anderson of Preston, football manag– er scholarship: Eric Gunn of Forest, Phi Theta Kappa Achievement :\ward. and Maranda Burks of Philadelphia, Ashley Jones of r-.ewton. Kimberly Stone of Carthage and Sarah Allard of Union who receh·ed leadership scholarships. Allard also received a scholarship to attend the University of Southern ~1ississ1ppi. named in honor of Dr. Phil A. Sutplun, ECCC president. ~hs,.b8ppi State University trans· fer <~cholarship recipients include Jonathan Bates and Gregory Butler, both of ~lorton; Emma Chisolm, Leslie Yance and Terrisa Myrick, all of Gruon. Andrew Cooley of Chunky; James Cawart of Star; Chris Davis of Lou1sville: Cathy Deason, Mary Margaret Irons, Elizabeth Johnson, Kenn Langley and Carrie Shrock, all of Philadelphia; Jaclyn Evans of Bay Spnngs; Jennifer Gibson, Lance Hall, Colin Smith and Adam Wall, all of Forest; Ricky Graves of Lena; Doralyn Gnmes, Jenifer Lee and John Petty, all of Carthage; Jessica Nester of Lake; Stephan Sykes of Lawrence: and Kerry Gilmer of Little Rock. Various students also received transfer scholarships to colleges and uruversities. Jimmy Hall of Lena is the 2003 recipient of a community college transfer scholarship to the University of Mississippi Medical Center in Jackson. April McAdory of Philadelphia received one of only 10 Leadership Scholarships presented statewide by the University of Mississippi thts year. J osh J enkins of Carthage. a sopho· more member of the ECCC Scholars Bowl team. aho r- :o e • • "' ~ lar· ( - -stppl Additional transfer scholarship recipients include David Burt of Newton and Nathan Stamper of Decatur, Hannibal-LaGrange College in Hannibal, l\.fissouri; Christy Fedrick and Vickie Powe, both of Philadelphia; Apnl Jones of Forest and Amy Rawson of Carthage, • ii-SI;:-ippl Co~· Staoe Phillipson, Be Jackson: ~e

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