award; Jenmft·r C.u:;on o· Alyne Simmon.. R~-·ruitm Luke Mc!'\au of Hickon Beth Wedo;·~\t;Orth of Outstandmg A,,octate Outstanding A,•hievement But·t of Newt• n. Walter.~ A\\ ard for Acadennc Athletics. Alumni Memonal Award included Tyler Rod!!er,. of Billy Wayne Baucum Education; ~Iary Marga Philadelphia. Opal Dickerson Elemental) Grayson Endand of P Alatha Chaney Engli– Stl!phlm .Sykes of Law c-our:~ev. Jr Encinee Chambiee ot t~art~ Yarbrough Fuldll,~:l Sp– Massey of Lou1,.nlle Giffin Men's Intramural Foreman of Lmle Rock Morgan of Lak... Homer Award for Athletic ~Ian Joseph Wall of Fore~t Killens Engtncerin::; .) Lena and Lance Hall of I" B. Mayo Phi Theta Ka Timothy Fieber of Phihla

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Those nonnnating McAdory wrote, "She is a student v.'ith great leader– ship quahnes who is extremely hard– working and dependable. She is self– disciplined and has demonstrated high levels of achievement in both curricular and non-curricular activi- ties." A graduate of Neshoba Central High School, she is the daughter of Jon and Mary Ann McAdory of Philadelphia. Powe serves as treasurer of the

a National Dean's List scholar. Those nominating Burt wrote, "He is the epitome of a good citizen. He is outstanding both academically and morally. He has served as a model of integrity and character and has always represented East Central 10 an exemplary manner. He is a stu– dent that exemplifies the qualities that a member of the hall of fame should possess: strong Christian val– ues, high morals, and strong leader– ship skills." A graduate of Newton County Academy, he is the son of Bryan and Mary Burt of Newton. fivans is a ~emE_er of-Rhl•Theta K~onor society, Whlnor taMPS, Baptist Student Union, the EC Environmental Club, Students Against Destructive Decisions, Presidents Council and the Scholar's Bowl team. She serves as president of Mu Alpha Theta and vice president of Sigma Sigma Mu Tau medical club. Evans was selected to Who's Who Among Students in American Community and Junior Colleges and was recognized as a President's List' and Dean's List Scholar. She received the freshman mathematics award and a Coca-Cola Community College ~holarship. Tho::.e nominating her wrote, "She tS a sunply terrific person who has maintained a high grade pomt aver– age while being involved in many campu,; ~ctlvities. She is a very reli– able anci responsible person who al'lVays h.a:. a smile on her face and is 'Ways wulmg to help someone." \. graduate of Syl\'a Bay Academy, .:IS is the daughter of Jeff and ;.a Evans of Bay Spnngs.

''Vocational Student of the Year." Recipients of technical awards were Christopher Gordon of Union, collision repair; Curtis Brown of Stonewall, automotive technology; Latahua Sledge of Philadelphia, child development; Ethel DuBose of Shubuta, computer technology; Matthew Smith of Morton, electrical technology: Ryan McCann of Philadelphia, electronics; Bridget Worthy of Louisville, gerontology; Thomas Hitt of Little Rock, heating

sophomore class, treasurer of the EC and air conditioning: Eddie Environmental Club and treasurer of Alexander of Little Rock, first year Stu~~nts Agamst Destructive machine shop; Vontreal Hunt of DeclSIOns. r;!' Lp\usv'ille, sect>ndyeat machilie shop; Eh~1s-a . l!t~ ~ 1 }'h~i& Eli Fulton of Little Rock. computer Kappa, Pres1dent s Council W ar~or network support; Tara Moore ofLittle Corp~, . Student Educat10n Rock, surgical technology; and Eric Association, Mu Alpha Theta, The Gunn of Forest, ''Technical Student of Tom Tom newspaper staff and the the Year." Scholar's Bowl team. In addition, she Special awards were presented to ser_ves as a tutor m the Learrung Nathan Stamper of Decatur, citizen– Skills Ce~ter. , . ship award; Betty Janette Robinson A Prestdent s List Scholar, Powe of Carthage, ECCC Players: Natalie was name~ to Who's Who Amo?g Duncan of Lake and Adam McAdory Studen~ m Amencan Commumty of Louisville, ECCC Singers; Sharon and Juruor ~lleg~s. .. Gaddis of Carthage and Terance Those nommating her wrote, She Anderson of Preston ECCC Gospel is a leader and exemplary student. Choir· Elizabeth Har~U of Carthage, She is an 10sp'!ation ~her fello~ stu- EC Environmental Club; Timothy dents and will be greatly mtssed Fieber of Philadelphia, Richard when she leaves East Central. She Fisher Organic Chemistry; Coco has a wonderful amtude and puts.a Graham of Philadelphta, smile on your face when she walk~ 10 Philadelphia-Neshoba County Arts the room. She 1s an outstanding Council Scholarship; Glenda Brown of young woman that possesses the Union Ruth Carr-Vincent Award for qualities reqwred to be selected~ the Acade~c Excellence in Hall of Fame." Nontraditional Education; Steven . A graduate of Leake ~cademy, she McGee of Lawrence, Kappa Kappa lS .the da~ghter of Wetda Powe of Iota Scholarship; Joseph Charlton of Philadelphia and the late Ed Powe.. Little Rock, Timothy Fieber of Ph~tographs of these studen~ ~ Philadelphia, Luke l\1cNa~r of hang 10 the Hall of Fa.me .collection 10 Hickory and Eric Townsend of Forest, the lobby of Huff Auditormm. freshman mathematics awards; ADDmONALAWARD RECIPIENTS Stephan Sykes of Lawrence and In addlt1on ~ th Hall of Fame Adam J oseph Wall of Forest, sopho– honorees, various acadennc honors more mathematics awards; Glenda

\S a member of Phi Theta "'4!. serve~ o15 preHdent of the 'Lows1ana Reg1un In was named to the Plu

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