Ecce W I _ KELLYCLLFF Kdl) Cluff of Hickory is the.; College':. nc'' com– puler network support technology in~tructor.
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Priorto joining the staffat Philadelphia, Hill \\as a teacher coach in the Me– ridian Public School Sys– tem. He is a graduate of Forest High SchooL ECCC and Mississippi State Univer– sity, where he received bachelor and master's de– grees in physical educa– tion. He is married to the former Melisa Polk of Brandon and they have two sons, Joel and Lee.
ing Department for ofmtramurals.
Alaska's Department of HiU pre\ 1ously coached at
Corrections. In addttion. he is a former mfom1atton system technician n for United Pjlrcel Services. Cluff is a member ofCen– tral United Methodi st Church in Meridi an, where he is a Sunday school teacher. He serves as secretary/treasurer of the Newton County El– ementary School PTO and is a member of the New– ton Rotary Club. He received an associate in arts degree m business admmistration from ECCC. and holds an asso– ciate in science degree in computer oftice adminis– tration and programming from the Alaska Computer lnsatute. He.,, mamed to Carla Jacome-Cluff and the) ha\e 1\\ o daughters. Enul) Jacome-Ciuf1 and Kathenne J come-Cluff. S£0TIH[LL Scott Hlll ofPhiladelphta begins h1s fir t season-as coach of ~ ' Kelly C luff Cluff: a native ofVietnam. 1s co-owner o f lTG Con– sulting 111 Meridtan and sen l!s a~ account execu– ti\ e for Cross-Walk. a Christtan new·paper. He ts also a member of the Ma– nne Corp:-. Rcscncs. lie 1s a t()mler information ~cchnolog~ manager for Ideal Software S) stems in 1eridian. He nlso has ex– pcncnc.:c as an analyst pro– grammer Ill for the De– partment of Administra– tion. Di\ h ton of Admin- Philadelphia High School, where he led the baseball and slow-pitch softball programs for a combined 15 years None of his teams expenenced a los- ing record. Philadelphia advanced to the state ba ·cball playoffs during se,·en of Hill's I 0 years at the helm. compil– ing an O\erall record o f 193 wins and 98 losses. Hts most successful sea- on was in 1999, when the Diamond l omacloes fin– ished 29-13 and were the State Class 2A runners-up. Hill's slow-pitch softball teams posted an overall 7-45 mark during his fi, e-) ear tenure, which mcluded a state champion– ship m 2000. The 2000 squad ended season achon '' ith a 32-10 record. He also led the c ross– countr)' and soccer pro– gram~ at Philadelphia and ~N was an asststant football coach ·I n addition. he sencd as physical educa– tiOn .md social studies in- structor APPEARED IN: LAKE MESSENGER-------– SCOTT COUNTY TIMES------– UNION APPEAL--------- WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL ___ _ SPIRIT OF MORTON----- --- ·· IMPACT -------------------------------- - -------------- MOCRAT _____ :ORO ---------------- AR _______ CLARION-LEDGER------
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