WEEK OF ~------------------------------------

Newton County Healthcare Scholarship Established At ECCC

DECATGR--A scholar– ship to attract students to the healthcare profession in Newton County-was among items approYed at the September meeting of the Ea:.t Central Cummu– nity College Board of Trustee:.. The ~e\' ton County Hcalthcart"" Schol– arshtp wa~ established m August ::!003 by ~e\\10n Communi!) Healthcare. Inc., 1!1 partnership wuh the Gro\\ Your Own Pro– gram. The partnership re– ceived gram funding to establish a scholarship that would benefit students of Ne\\10n County as well as the communit). The schol– arship IS designed to at– tract students to the healthcare profession and have them remam in New– ton County to work fol – lowing graduatton. The scholarshtp will pro– vide two students with two full years (four semesters) of tuition to attend East Central Commumty Col– lege. Recipients of the scholarship must be en– rolled in the College ·s As– sociate Degree Nursing or Licensed Practical Nurs- APPEARED IN:

Officials with Newton Community Healthcare, Inc . meet with ECCC President Dr. Phil A. Sutphin to an– nounce the establishment ofa new scholarship to assist students enrolled in the College's nursing programs. From left are Tim Thomas, CEO, who is also adminis– trator at Newton Regional Hospital: Coleen Stevens, secretary/treasurer, who is also president ofUnion Plant– ers Bank in Newton; and Dr. Sutphin. Thomas said Newton County Healthcare '" is a no-profit conununityowned corporation with the purpose and mission of supporting, promoting and advancing the availability of quality healthcare services to the citi– zens of the Ne~vton community and surrounding area." (EC Photo) '

ing programs. Potential recipients must also reside in Newton County and maintain at least a 3.0 or '"B" average during the four semesters at ECCC. The College's Scholarship Committee will select scholarship recipients. For more information con-

tact the Office of the Vice President for Student Ser– vices, East Central Com– munity College, P. 0. Box 129, Decatur. MS 39327, Phone 635 -2111 or call toll free, 1-877-462-3222, ext. 375. The email ad– dress isjkillens~eccc.edu

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