Policies & Procedures Manual
c. Assist in extending member courtesies; d. Collect and monitor receipt of Association dues; e. Keep an accurate and ongoing record of the Association’s funds; f. Submit purchase orders for materials related to the member courtesies extended by the Association; g. Set up program of activities and objectives for the year; h. Set the amount and nature of member courtesies to be extended.
ARTICLE VII. Legislative Committee
Section 1.
Two members to serve as the Legislative Committee are appointed by the Advisory Council at the start of the fall session of each academic year.
Section 2. The Legislative Committee will do the following:
a. Study the legislative program concerning new legislation needed or suggested changes in legislative programs already initiated; b. Carry on an informative campaign to inform employees of the legislative program, to ascertain their attitude toward each measure, and to inform legislators about college issues which can be remedied through legislation; c. Make and maintain contacts to promote the legislative programs.
Section 1. Regular meetings shall be held according to the schedule adopted at the first Advisory Council meeting of the year.
Section 1. Dues for the academic year, payable at the beginning of the fall session, are determined at the final Association meeting of the prior academic year. Section 2. These funds shall be used to meet the expenses approved by the Advisory Council and the Association.
ARTICLE X. Amendments
This constitution may be amended at any regular meeting of members by a two-thirds vote of those present and voting, providing notice of the proposed amendment has been presented in writing at the previous meeting.
(Revised 4/12/16; Revised 11/12/19)
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