Policies & Procedures Manual
Policy No: 741.11
Policy Contact: Vice President for Instruction
Policy Title: ASSOCIATION OF FACULTY, STAFF, AND ADMINISTRATION (AFSA) ARTICLE I. Name This association shall be called the East Central Community College Association of Faculty, Staff, and Administration (AFSA). ARTICLE II. Objectives The objectives of this Association are to provide a forum for the faculty and staff to contribute to the college’s decision-making process; to promote excellence in teaching and learning and the educational progress of the institution; to further professional development; and to promote positive interactions between employees of the institution.
ARTICLE III. Membership Members of this Association include all faculty, staff, and administration who pay dues.
ARTICLE IV. Advisory Council The leadership within the Association will be comprised of a five membered Advisory Council. The council will be made up of one person each from academic, career-technical, healthcare, and staff areas, along with a member selected at-large. From within this council, two co-chairpersons will be selected by the council.
ARTICLE V. Election of Advisory Council
Section 1. Departing council members will be replaced by a majority vote of dues paying members through an electronic election at the end of each academic year. Section 2. Term of office is for two academic years. Vacancies occurring at any time during the academic year are filled by popular vote at a special election.
Section 3. No advisory council member will hold office for more than two consecutive years.
ARTICLE VI. Duties of Advisory Council
Section 1. The Advisory Council co-chairpersons will do the following:
a. Prepare for the position by studying the policies and procedures, constitution and by-laws of local associations; b. Appoint, instruct, and guide special committees; c. Maintain contacts with other college leaders and with the public on educational issues; d. Maintain liaisons with state and national associations; e. Endeavor to develop leadership among employees; and f. Preside over meetings of the Association and the Advisory Council; g. Work for the enrollment of all employees in the Association.
Section 2. The Advisory Council members will do the following:
a. Keep a permanent record of the minutes of meetings of the Association and of the Executive Council when minutes are requested; b. Carry on the correspondence of the Association; and
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