Policies & Procedures Manual
Policy No: 621.5
Policy Contact: Vice President for Business Operations
On-site redundancy procedures for the administrative system and network user files for East Central Community College administration, faculty, and staff will be performed each weekday evening (Monday through Friday). The results of daily on-site redundancy procedures of the administrative system are stored on hosted servers in redundant data centers. Network data is backed to a secure server in a secure area each evening, Monday – Friday. Daily, weekly, and monthly backups are also backed up to a secure server located off-site from the main Decatur campus. The College shall subscribe to an appropriate maintenance plan for its administrative computer system and database servers which administer the administrative system. These servers shall be insured under the College’s blanket hazard insurance policy. In the event of a disaster in which the College’s administrative computer system is disabled or destroyed, the following actions will be implemented: 1. Insurance claims will be filed immediately to replace the missing or destroyed equipment and replacement equipment will be ordered as soon as possible. 2. Appropriate college staff will remote to or travel to the off-site data center to perform critical business operations if this capability does not exist from the College campus. 3. During the recovery period, the College will operate to the best of its capability using hard copy printouts and alternative PC-based Microsoft products such as SQL Server, Microsoft Access, and Microsoft Excel. 4. Upon replacement of the computer equipment, maintenance contracts will be invoked for assistance in the process data restoration. 5. The latest system backup data will then be loaded and a concentrated effort will be made to input any off line information that required manual treatment during the recovery period. 6. Replacement network equipment and workstations will be ordered and will be installed as necessary.
(Revised 8/10/10; Revised 6/11/2013; Revised 11/12/13; Reviewed 6/14/16; Revised 12/8/20)
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