Policies & Procedures Manual


Policy Contact: Vice President for Institutional Research and Effectiveness

Policy No: 621.4

Policy Title: SOCIAL MEDIA POLICY East Central Community College recognizes that the internet, and more particularly social media (also known as social networking) provides unique opportunities to engage in interactive learning and provide a wide variety of tools beneficial to students, faculty and staff. However, the use of social media can introduce risks to confidential information, reputation and brand, and compliance with policies, best practices, and statutory constraints. To minimize these risks, all ECCC employees are expected and required to adhere to the following guidelines and rules: • The institution’s Acceptable Use Policy for campus computers and networks is applicable in all instances of Social Networking use, even if the application is 3 rd Party in nature, such as Facebook, Twitter, etc. • ALL faculty and staff should assume that his/her employment status and position with ECCC is well-known within the five county district. Hence – the individual’s activities on social media do reflect on the College, whether or not the individual makes a specific declaration of ECCC employment status. In other words, activities on social media should be considered no less than actions taken on the “town square.” • The college expects all staff and employees to protect ECCC’s brand and reputation on social networks. Statements disparaging of the college mission or practices, specific criticisms of personnel, airing of grievances, etc. may be reviewed and considered violation of college policy. The college provides a path for internal discussions on issues through the organizational chart. Ad hoc representations, which likely violate confidentiality, on the public internet are not acceptable. • ECCC maintains an official Facebook and Twitter presence. Students are encouraged to “join” these sites. GREAT CARE should be taken by instructors when accessing students on personal social media sites not affiliated with the College. This practice is not prohibited, but care is encouraged, and when this is done the expected level of reputation and brand protection awareness by a college representative is significant. • No college employee may discuss confidential student related or college information via social networking. • Any site which employs ECCC logos must be approved by the President. • Any site which represents an ECCC department or activity, such as a sport, club, etc. must be approved by the President. • Personal use of social networking on college time is allowable if occasional but cannot in any way interfere with assigned duties or professional activities . • All communications originating from the institutions electronic communications systems are the property of the college and there should be no expectation of privacy by college employees for any communication originating thereon. • Intellectual property and copyrights should be protected at all times when using social media.

(Added 8/10/10; Reviewed 6/14/16)

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