Policies & Procedures Manual
Policy No: 621.6
Policy Contact: Vice President for Institutional Research and Effectiveness
In order to ensure compatibility and alignment with the College’s network, support structure, existing information technology, planning processes, strategic institutional commitments, and College Mission, all acquisitions of information technology in an amount of $500 or more including, but not limited to, computer workstations, laptops, printers, and/or mobile devices, must be approved by the Office of Information Technology. The College values synergies and economies of scale through standardization and volume purchasing when possible. For the purpose of this policy, information technology includes all hardware and software associated with Institutional Systems or Information Systems (see Policy 621, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY) and acquisitions include receipt of donated equipment as well as purchases. In the event of a donation of equipment, a reasonable estimate of value should be substituted for an amount of purchase. Acquisitions should be aggregated into reasonable interconnected or associated systems when applicable. For instance, a classroom lab consisting of twenty computer workstations, a printer, and presentation equipment should be totaled to a single amount. The Dean of Information Technology may advise on matters of consolidation or segregation of units. Requests for information technology should be submitted to the Dean of Information Technology via a technology requisition form. Requests should reference existing strategic, institutional effectiveness, information technology, and/or major maintenance planning as applicable. In addition, a request will include specifications, funding source(s), and an explanation of the anticipated application of the acquired asset(s). The approval chain for an information technology procurement request includes the appropriate supervisor, appropriate Vice President, and Dean of Information Technology. Upon approval, Information Technology personnel will work with the requester to acquire quotes and satisfy requirements that adhere to Policy 607, PURCHASING PROCEDURES. Information technology acquisitions of $10,000 or more will be reviewed by the Technology Planning Committee. The requester of the information technology will be responsible for submitting the purchase order requisition to the Office of Business Operations. In certain circumstances, a procurement of information technology may be escalated to the status of an expedited acquisition. Expedited acquisitions will be evaluated by the Dean of Information Technology with heightened priority and, if more than $10,000, may also be reviewed by the Technology Planning Committee after procurement. For escalation to take place, the appropriate Vice President must submit a written request to the Dean of Information Technology that clearly communicates the rationale. The Dean of Information Technology will retain all such requests on file in the Office of Information Technology. The Dean of Information Technology may decline or approve the request. In all cases, purchasing requirements as outlined in Policy 607, PURCHASING PROCEDURES, will be followed. Expedited Purchases
(Added 3/12/19)
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