Newspaper Clippings
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ECJC ALL STATE According to Ken Pouncey, bead football coach at East Central Junior College, Blll)' Johnson, son of Mrs. Ruthie Mae Johnson, Newton, has been named to the Mississippi Jr. College All-State team. Johnlon a 8'2" 262 pound defensive tackle is a Sophomore at East Central. Two other sophomores were named as honorable mention members, Jerry Brantley, son of Mrs. Mary Brantley of Walnut Grove and Jamea Mlte~ell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Mltcbell of Wckory. Johnson and Brantley were also selected to play in the Mississippi Jr. College All-Star game. The All-Star game will be played on Thanksgiving Day at Hlncla JUDior College in Raymond. Coachin1 the South team will be Bill Buckner from Hlnda. Coac:hlng the Nort4 will be Mike Eaton from Itawamba Jr. College. Game time is 2 p.m.
'1HE HOME } 1AK Elt - Nov. 26, 1980
Lt~i l'JESHOB;:\ DEMOCR;\T ----- i'JE'NTON RECORD ------ r1JcRlDIAN STAR ------- CU.\RlON-LEDGER ------- SPlRJT OF MORTON -------- IMPACT_____________________ 1\ C. \ \U\ (\\ ( v
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