Newspaper Clippings
ltECEJVE LE'ITER JACKETS··Ken POUDeey, head football coach at East Central Junior College presented letter jackets to the Sophomore football players at the close of the season. Members of the team receiving jackets wete: (front Left to Right) Andy Johns of Dothan, AL, Raymond Alley of Forest Park , GA, Dean LeBlanc of Philadelphia, Tod Wall of Decatur, Bob Posey of Philadelphia, David Reynolds of Louisville, and Ronnie Parj(er of Decatur. (second row) Joe Douglas of Newnan, GA, Eddie Go88 of Louisville, Fredrick Lyons of Philadelphia, Sammy
Breland of Philadelphia, Bob Yarborough of Rex, GA, Joey Sharp of Union, and Marcus Evans of Newton. (Third row) Wayne Baucum of Deeatur, Dave Doby of Hickory, Bruce McGee of Newton, Tony Baker of Louisville, Scott Quisenberry of Enterprise, AL, Jim Kennamer of New Hope, AL, Jesse Hudson of Noxapater, Jerry Galaspy of Union, Randall Lee of Beulah Hubbard. Early Clemons of Philadelphia, Anthony Cunningham of Louf8vllle, and Micah Hazelwood ofMorrow, GA.
TBEIJNION APPEAL, UNION, MISSISSIPPI, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER2,1981 ,a, •• .,.....,.... - ,.........,.,._.-..,. ·-- ... -.--..-_.__..~~-
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