Newspaper Clippings
Tough Games For ECJC, EMJC B~ R.\\.~:\RRO Star Sports Writer Coahoma at Scoooa Jast \\ eek. 1s up to 2-2 in division results and in a ··must win" situa tion
H-12, in an interdiVISIOnaJ con– test last week and is now 6-1 overall. The Bulldogs are rank– ed nth in the nat10n and have an explosh·e offense to go with a stingy defense. East :\lississippi now stands at 3-t for all games after getting off to a dismal 1-4 start. Coach Ken Pouncey's East Central Warrio;-s knocked off Hinds, 24-21 a week ago to earn their berth on top of the South standi11gs al3·1. Jones, by \'irtue or a crucial come-from-behind 28-23 win over Gulf Coast, held onto a tie for second place with Pearl River at 2-1 1 in the Sovth.
T\\ o :\1endian area junior col– lege football teams are takir;g on division heavyweights Saturday as Week :-Jo 8 takes the spothgh· in the :\lissJssippi Juco circuit. At EllisviJle, South DiviSIOn leader East Central of Decatur takes on Sim Cooley's Jones Bobcats and at Goodinan. East Mississippi's Lions will try to ex– ~end a two-game winning streak against :".iorth leader Holmes. 1 Holmes stands at 4-0 in :\•1rth results while East Mississippi. fresh from a 44~0 whipping of
In fact. Coach Randall Bradberrv s L10ns have outscored their last t\\ o op– ponents by the lopsided margin of 73-o. "I just hope we keep it up," sighed Bradberry as h1s team left the field last week. "We need to go to Goodman and whip Holmes and come back here for homecoming the next week and beat Del· a and we'll bE' 1r the ti– tle picture." Holmes edged Pearl R1ver,
Friday, October 2t, l98J
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