Newspaper Clippings
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Field Goal Lifts • ECJC To Victory
Hinds came back in the third quarter to score another TD and field goal to boost their lead 21-7. Then halfway through the third quarter, Ronnie Parker of Decatur, scored a TD for the Warriors on a pass from Jim Kennamer of New Hope, AL. The extra point attempt fa lied . The score at the end of the third quarter was 21-13. Then early in the fourth quarter Kennamer hit Bruce McGee of Newton for a TD. Kennamer then kept the ball for a two-point con– version to tie the score at 21. In the last minutes of the game Lamar Cheatham of Philadelphia fell on a Hinds fumble on the one yard Une. Tod Wall's field goal gave East Central the tle break-
East Central Junior Col· lege Warriors defeated the Eagles of Hinds Junior Col· lege on October 15 in Ray– mond, 24-21. East Central now holding a 3-1 Division Record, went into the Hinds game tied with Gulf Coast Junior College tor first place In South Division standings. Early in the tlrstquarter, Micah Hazlewood of Mor– row, GA threw a 30 yard pass to Tony Baker of Louisville for a TD. Tod Wall of Decatur then kicked the PATtoglveEast Central a 7-0 lead. What started as East Central's game soon changed in the second quar– ter when Hinds scored two TDs to leave the score at halt-time 12-7, Hinds.
ing points. The Warriors wUl be on the road October 24 when they travel to Elllsvme to play rival Jones Junior Col· lege. It wUl be Homecom– Ing at Jones. The Warrior band wlll perform pre– game at 7: 15. This will be the last road trip for the Warriors.
Wednesday, October 21, 1981
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