Newspaper Clippings
Scalp ECJC, 23-15 Bv JASO~ BIRD Star Correspondent DECATliR- The surpr isingly-tough Itawamba Indians made off wiU1 a 23-15 upset of East Central's Warriors in an intra– division Mississippi Junior College football game here Saturday 'mght . The loss left Coach Ken Pouncey's Warriors with a 2-4 record overall. but they still held second place in the South Division with a 2-1 divison mark. The visiting Indians. who spoiled the ECJC homecoming with their wm, got on the board first. In the opening quarter, lta\\amba's Ronnie Hatchett ran back a Warrior punt 55 yards for a touchdown. Hatchett's run gave the Indians a 7-0 first-period lead and they never rehnguished it. In the second quarter, Itawamba began a series at its own 29 which culminated in a field goal of 30 yards and a 10-0 lead. Ricky Barnes booted the fielder for the Indians. which came JUSt before the half. J<:ast Centr a l got the ball back with 32 seconds before intermis– , 10n and scored a quick TD. Starting from the Indian 13, followmg an Itawamba fumble. the Wamors punched it in when quarterback Micah Hazelwood hit flank<'r Bruce McGee from 10 yards out. Todd Wall's conversion kick cut the Tribe's margin to 10-7 at the half. There was no scoring in the third stanza at all , but the Indians added to their lead by getting 13 in the final period. The vis1tors' next score came with just under four minutes left m the game. Larry Cox returned a punt 40 yards to the EC 49 and. from there. Itawamba drove it home. The TD came on a 30-yard run by Anthony Pass up the middle. The Indians put it out of reach with 2:22 left in the game when Tim Field bolted up the middle from 34 yards out for a TD. The score came moments after East Central attempted to maintain possession of the ball on a fourth-and-10 from its own 34. The Warriors. with Jim Kennamer throwing on every down, camP back to score on a 45-yard shot to Dale Reese with 1:33 r«-maining Kennamer threw to tight end Joe Douglas for the two-point con– version. but the scoring was over for the evening. The Warriors take on Hinds at Raymond Thursday night for their next action.
Sunday. October 11, HI!U
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