Newspaper Clippings
By RAY ~ARRO Star Sports \Vritea·
theast, Southwest blank Coahoma. 41-0, and Nor– thwest and Co-Lin battle to a to-aJJ standoff. Pouncey's Warriors as a result of that come– from-behmd '"'in over PRJC, now hold down the rwmerup spot in the South with the 2-1 chart, but Pearl River can get right back into the thick of things with a win over Gulf Coast East Central's Micah Hazelwood threw for three touchdowns a week ago to whip the heavily-favored Wildcats. His final TD toss went for 45 yards to Bruce McGee in th~ fourth period to pull out the win. " It was a total team effort and came after our bovs worked real hard to get ready for the game," said the Warrior mentor. Pouncey will either start Hazelwood or J1m Kennemer in his " two quarterback" setup this. week while Mike Bellew is likely to open at fullback. Ronnie Parker at tailback and Dale Reese at flanker Up front. East Central will have McGee or Tony Baker at split end, Earlv Clemons at left tackle, Scott Qwesenberry at left ~uard. Ken Wallace at center. Paul Tatum at nght guard, M1ke Mason at right tackle and Joe Douglass at tight end. Defensive specialists include Jerry GaUaspie and Fred Lyons at ends ; Kyle Callahan and Paul Reed at tackles, Lamar Cheatham at nose guard; Bob Yarbrough, Raymond Alley and Jessie Judson at linebacker and Eddie Goss, Jay Jones and Bernard Lee in the secondary.
Coach Ken Pouncey's East Central Junior Col– lege Warriors, fresh from a stunning 21-18 upset of nationally-ranked (No. 13J Pearl River at Decatur Jast weekend, host the Itawamba In– dians Saturday night. The Warriors, now holding down second place in the South Division standings with a 2-1 mark 12-3 overall). hope to use the Indians as a spr– ingboard to a vastly improved season. "We could probably turn the whole season around with a win over Pearl River ," said Pouncey before last week's game. As it turned out, his predic,tion could be right Itawamba. however, won't roll over and play dead. The Indians dropped a one-sided game (3G-7> to powerful Holmes last week and are out to atone for their poor showing. In other games Saturday evening in the Mississippi JC loop, East Mississippi travels to Booneville to provide Nor theast with its homecoming opposition; Northwest is at winless Coahoma: COJliah-Lincoln journeys to Hinds and South leader Gulf Coast 12-0l is at Pearl River Cl-1-ll In Thursday night's actiOn, unbeaten Holmes (4-0 ) defeated previously unbeaten Mississippi D~lta 14-9 and J ones bombed Southwest, 48-14. Other scores last week saw Mississippi Delta hand fifth-ranked Gulf Coast its first 1981 loss, 25-21, Jones get past East M~ssissippi, 21-13, Hinds win its first witll a 14-7 victory over Nor-
Friday, October 9, 1981
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