Newspaper Clippings
OF~; I I 'L 148t
GCJC Beats ECJC Twice DECATUR - East Central J unior College ended its baseball season on a sour note here Saturday, dropping both games of a twinbill to Gulf Coast. The Bulldogs took the first game, 12-6, and blanked the War – riors, 7-o, in the nightcap For East Central, Nelson Triplett and Todd Wall had two hits each in the opener and Jim Kennamer hit his fourth horner of the season, but to no avail. John Barham suffered the pitching loss for the Warriors. Jay Jones was the losing pitcher in the second game as ECJC was limited to only three nits. East Central ended 8-17 overall and 5-7 in the division.
Sunday, Aprill2, 1981
Ll\! i'JESHOB.t\ DEMOCRAT ---- ~ ~- _- SCOTI COUNTY Tli'-t1-:S ___ _-\=z=====·= Ui\llON APPE,I\L ----------------- SPIRIT OF MORTON -------- JMPACT ---------------------- NEWTON RECORD MERIDIAN STAR v/ CLP,RION-LEDGER -------
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