Newspaper Clippings
EC.fC Btueball
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The E ast Cen t ral Junior College baseball team defeated Pearl River Junior College at Popularville on March 31, 6-0 in the first game and 3·2 in the second game. J im Kennamer of New Hope, AL was the win· ning pitcher for the first game. Anthony P atterson took the lost. Kennamer pitched a shut-out and only gave up three hits. Kennamer, Randall Lee of Little Rock, Nelson Triplett of Louisville, and
Hornesbuger and Todd Wall of Decatur scored for East Central. No errors were com– mited in either game. East C~ntral now has a 3- 1 division record.
Bo b by Butler of Philadelphia had two hits each. Terry Burns of Jonesboro , GA scor ed two runs. Jay Jones of Forest, Lee, Tr iplett and Butler scored one run each. In the second game Rickey Hornesbuger of Noxapater was t he winning pitcher . Clark Breland took the lost. Hornesbuger gave up five hits and two runs. Steve Thomas of Union bad two hits. Jay Jones, RickeY
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