Newspaper Clippings
ECJC undefeated; .,.ts Holmes 7-0 Ea:.t Central JumorColle_e Gal \\ arriors tta\ekd to Good– rna·•. ~li '·on Thursda' n u.>pia) lfolme Jun or Col _e llu lldog . for Coo A J 1-.ilpatq kIt was a return to
~chool ''here JU't 2 )ears ago he led th~ Holme' Jun r Co– lege Bulldog to th. te <. hampton~hip. It "a' a b3 game chara~"tenzed b) tro .., defen,i\e pla)tn~ a ho''" r the tina! tat, John I uhon take the open– ing ki,k-off andre urn for 9 :yard$, but the\\ arnor offen'e could and \\a' forced to pun Holm rewrned the fa, or an tool.: \er on the 50 yard hne 1he 'lrong \\ arnor defen e forced the Holmes B og to punt. either team 1 ana_ed mu..h o tens1'e thr at dunn~ the ht half. E t Ccntrit f11oumcd thctr \1.. dm c of the half b~ drhmg t the !Holme' 10 >ard line before attempting a · ield goal. The kt..k wa wide to the right. The hall time: 'core "as 0-0. Fa~t (cmral ktdcd ott to ~tart the .2nd hall wuh Da,id Coalla~p) kicktng through the end to&:. \;lnlme~ took 0\er on their v. n :!D} ard Ime ano on the ftr t pl(y fumbled bad. to E mral at the thirty The It mble being re..:o,eed b) llp.'!JP Ru~'cll. ,jng a two- 1 cht end offcn'e e \\ arriors me JO )Ur
ifenera ean) offen-e THF. UNION APPEAL, UNION , MISSISSIPPI ,
Y .. OCTOBER S, 1983
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