Newspaper Clippings
ECJC Rallies To Salvage Tie At Pearl River By The Associated Press East Central Junior College is still undefeated. But its record is perfect no more. Shaw 22-14. Reuben Agnew scored three times for Northwest as it burned Coahoma in a game at Clarksdale.
Lee Dale Grays and Elbert Jones scored the two touchdowns for Holmes in its win over Mississippi Delta. Darryl Rogers and Vonnie Howard scored the winning touchdowns for Northeast. Ittawamba combined a touchdown, a 2-pointer after, and a field goal for its 11 points, but fell one short. . . Jones had little trouble turnmg back Southwest runmng up 'l7 points in the first three quarters to only 7 for Southwest. Humphreys County put over 14 points in the final period to ice its game with Shaw. The scoring included a 95-yard kickoff return for Humprheys by Roosevelt'King.
East Central had to come from behind Saturday to tie Pearl River 2~24 in a Mississippi Junior College game. Two fourth-period touchdowns saved East Central, 5-0-1, from an upset at the hands of host Pearl River. Earlier. L.C. Hopkins and Scott Senner had scored to gi~e Pearl River a 24-10 lead. But in the fourth penod, Dav1d Pleasant threw touchdown passes of 43 yards 'to David Gillespie and one of 17 yards to Victor Warnsley. In other games, East MissiSsippi (2-4) lost 55-~ a.t ~~ Coast, Northwest turned back Coahoma 60-0, M1sslss1pp1 Delta defeated Holmes 14-o, Northeast edged ltawama 12-11, Jones beat Southwest 34-14, and Humphreys defeated
Monday, October 10, 1~
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