Newspaper Clippings
;;;:~; ----~- ~~ Wednesday, October 13, 1982 THE MERIDIAN STAR-----------: Key Juco Battles This Week By RAY NAR~O IIIlOnd to take on Hinds in the Eagles' homecoming game at Star Sports Wrater . . . . . Saturday; Southwest of Summit .going to Wesson to mee Two games which will. go a lo~g way toward ~ec~dt~g ~lVls~on h-Lincoln; Holmes at ltawamba and Northeast of Boone\ ill champions are on tap this week m the rugged MiSSlSS 1 PP 1 Jumor to Ellisville to play Jones in the Bobcats' homecoming tiff. College football race. . . . : week, Northwest ran past Coahoma '1:1-7 to keep its recor North Division leader Northwest of Senatob1a, r.anked thrrd m the ss while Delta squeezed past Holmes in another Thursda" nation this week, travels to Goodman Thursday mght to take on un- game, 13-12. · predictable Mississippi Delta. . . . 1 on Saturday it was Gulf Coast 21, East Mississippi O; Pear The Northwest-Delta game is the lone Thursday mght affa•r thts 10, East Central 7; Hinds 20, Co-Lin 17 ; Jones 3i. South\\ est _ week. The balance of the games will be played Saturday afternoon iwamba 20, Northeast 19. and night. . ., . s Larsen's 45-yard field goal on the final play of the gam In the South Division, the showdown comes at Bilox1 s Stu:•mp linds its 3-point win over the Wolves. Bowl stadium when Gulf Coast.takes on Pearl ~~v~r Saturda¥ mght. ~n earlier had kicked a '1:1-yard field goal and be go' a cha Both Gulf Coast and Pearl R1ver carry 3-0 divtston marks mto the 1t when his team took over the ball with 16 seconds left m game, although PRJC has lost once in inter-divisi~n play. ~earl eriod. River is 5-l overall and Perk 6-Q and ranked No.. n m the nation. Kendrick ran for one TD and threw for another as po;oerf Northwest, in the North Division, is also 3-Q whlle Delta stands at :>ast blanked East Mississippi, which fell to 3·3 overall 2-1 and can ill afford another loss. . . . . :1 Henry scored on a 1-yard dive and Tony Smith "J ·eo Meanwhile North Division contender East MlSStss1pp1 of Scooba I field goal to provide Pearl River with its wm O\ er Ea goes to Clarksdale to play winless Coahoma in a Saturday night 1. battle. 1 1 ~arriors of Coach A. J. Kilpatrick fell to o-3 in the did, East Mississippi is 2-1 in the North race and another
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