Newspaper Clippings
Two EC Coaches Let Go DECATUR - The contracts of , head football coach Kenneth Pouncey and head men's basket– ball coach Herman Robinson have not been renewed by the board of East Central Junior College. Pouncey, who has coached football here for 16 years, turned in a H overall record last fall and earned a berth in the sta te Juco playoffs against overall champion Holmes with a 4-2 South Division mark. ECJC lost to the eventual champion, 24-15, in the playoff. When the 3o-member board failed to renew Pouncey's con– tract for the 1982-83 school year, it came as a surprise to many followers of Warrior athletics. However , in the case of Robin– son, there was specula tion that he would not be retained. Rumors had circulated for several months that his pact would not be renewed. The War – r ior cage team s truggl ed through a basketball season last winter with less than 10 victories for the second year in a row Pouncey was informed of the boa rd 's action late Tuesday afternoon shortly after return– ng home from the athletic field. The ECJC board met Tuesday a t 1 p.m and Pouncey told The Star be was informed by telephone at around 4:20 that afternoon By RAY NARRO Star Sports Writer
" 1 hact: JUS gOUeo Pouncey. " and Dr ECJC president) \\ nght the board did not rene'\li my coo– tract. That was all he ::.aad.' Pouncey had concluded -.pnng practice three weeks ago and had already r ecrwted ~everal ar ea high school players He indicated that it would be difficult to land another position " this late in the year ." Robinson said, " I have no regrets. I feel l did a good job. just as Coach Pouncey dirl Under the circumstances and with the athletes available, I feel we did as well as could be expected. " I enjoyed my six years her( and leave with no ill feelings Right now, I'm looking for a job." Wright said he did not feel he was in a position to make any comments about the board's ac tion, other than to say he felt "the board indicated it wanted to hire two new coaches to head up these programs (football.and basketball), to turn them an a more winning direction." • Wright said only the contracts of Pouncey and Robinson were involved in the non-renewal.
Pouncey's assistants, David Bradberry and F r eeman Hor– ton were not affected by the ac– tio~, according to Wright.
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