Newspaper Clippings
THE MERIDIAN ST 'R Tuesday, Son~mber 22 1983 unior College Basketbatr · .~-----~ East Mississippi Takes Tou :nev· Ga
~ I ssustppt Gloria' wright 14 to lead scheduled to face Gulf .laBor College swept a EMJC to a 77-58 win in Coast in the final at 2:45 parr 0! games from East D e c a t u r . · J o y this afternoon. · ~ Jan or College Eichelberger led East Maurice Ne Is on m different tour- Central with 18 points scored 24 points at East onda\· night. while Renee McCoy ad- Mississip~i overcame a i _cored ded 12 points and Carol three-pomt halftime e Bridget Smtth 10. ·deficit to take an 82-80 · added 17 and EMJ C, 5-0, was win. Terry Mixon added
., tangles with Jones tonight at 8 in the finals. "···" E!lt.lccm -Cooper u HJI, w,,.,"" u W 17 Wriabt 7 ~ 14, Perry I :1-4 I, BuckhAlc.r J 1·2 7, L&ndrurn t 04 o. Sc&r· brouch o~o. Tayloro~o. s........,oo..o ECIC lSII- &ich.lbe~Jtor 7 4-118, \!ct:ov 5 H u, Sllllt!t 4 2-4 10. Ch&rnben 3 1·2 i, Willim~son 2 1-1 s, ~ol!unc~o<~ l ~ 4. Gilmer I ~ 2, Coolt o ~ 0, llltchtro ..o llllfhme: E:IIJC 37, lt(:JC U
18 points for the winners ana Barry McNair and Barry Cardwell added 12 each. Ricky Griffin paced EMJC with 25 points while Randy Tatum added 18 and An– dy Garvin 10. East Mississippi, 4-1,
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