Newspaper Clippings
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ECJC Warriors Play In Tournament
The East Central Junior Col– lege Wa rriors traveled to Ellisville to play in the Men's Invitational Tournament hosted by Jones Junior Col– lege. The first night of tourna– ment action saw the Warriors defeated by East Mississippi Junior College 82-80. High scorer for East Central was Ricky Griffith of Ashland, Ky., with 25 points, followed by Randy Tatum of Philadelphia with 18 points, Will Johnson of Little Rock, Ark. with 14 points and Drew Garvin of Wurtland, Ky. with
10 points. High scorer for EMJC was Maurice Nelson with 24 points. The following night the War- riors were defeate d by
. . Southwest Junior College 2C, Neshoba Democrat, Philadelphia, Miss., December 14, 1983 68-63. High scorers for East W I Garvin of Wurtland, Ky. with Central were Johnny Gill ol * 8 rr OrS 10 points. High scorer for Walnut Grove and Drew Gar- (Contfn ed fro 1 C) Delta was Kirk Price with 15 vin of Wurtland, Ky. with 11 u m page points. .
points, followed by RickyGrif- 20 points and Johnny Gill of fith of Ashland Ky. with 11 Walnut Grove with 14 points. points and ~dy Tatwn of High scorer for Southwest was Philadelphia with 10 points. Vernell Robinson with 22 High scorer for Southwest was points. Danny McManus with 14 The Warriors traveled to points. Mluiasippi Delta Junior Col- The Warr iors hosted lege at Moorhead only to have Southwest Junior College on Delta claim a 80-06 victory the ECJC campus. Again tbe cmr tbem. Warriors were defeated by Bleb scorers for East Ceo– Southwest ~1. High scorers tra1 were Steve Lewia of for East Central were Ricky Walnut Grove with 13 points, Griffith of Ashland, Ky. with WW Jobnson of Little Rock, (Continued on page 2C) Ark., with 11 points, and Drew
On Dec. 5 Coach Steve Rives' Warriors met Pearl River Junior College on Pearl River's campus at Poplarville where East Central fell to Pearl River 67-55. The Warriors led tbe first quarter 1G-3 but fell behind at halftime leaving Pearl River with a 27-16lead over the War– riors. High scorers in the night's a ction were EC's Drew Garvin of Wurtland, Ky., with 12 points, Steve Lewis of Walnut Grove with 10 points, Ricky Griffith of Ashland, Ky., and Will Johnson of Little Rock, Ak. with nine points and Pearl River's Steve Gouner with 18 points.
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