ECCC Policies & Procedures
General Statement of the Function : Advisor for the Athletic Division and Assistant Coach for Softball. Reports to Dean of Athletics and is responsible for all athletic advising and assisting with respective sports programs.
Duties and Responsibilities :
1. Advising and follow up for the Athletic Division. 2. Works closely with the Coordinator of the Success Center to identify and assist “at-risk” students; 3. Works closely with and serves as a liaison with all of Mississippi’s four-year universities and colleges in regard to transfer/curriculum issues; 4. Reviews absentee reports and schedules conferences with athletic students who have excessive absences; 5. Assists with Athletic Compliance Report with Director of Admissions and Dean of Athletics. 6. Assists students in planning their programs for transfer to four-year colleges and universities. 7. Contacts and counsels students who plan to withdraw from college; 8. Expands professional knowledge through the reading of literature and participation in professional organizations; 9. Performs annual evaluations of retention efforts in regards to the College’s Strategic Plan evaluations;
10. Dorm supervisor for women; 11. Assistant coach for softball; 12. Assists with recruiting for softball; and 13. Performs other duties as assigned. 14. Prepares student/athlete eligibility report for all sports.
(Added 6/10/08; Revised 9/08/09)
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