ECCC Policies & Procedures
Policy No: 300.8
Policy Contact: President
A. The Board shall meet monthly on the second Tuesday of each month in the place designated by the President of the college or on such other date and at such place as fixed by the Chairman. B. All meetings shall be open to the public except when the Board is in executive session. Such executive sessions will require a majority vote of the members of the Board present.
C. Sixteen members shall constitute a quorum for any official meeting of the Board of Trustees.
D. Membership of the Board shall consist of 30 members composed of six (6) members from each of the supporting counties. Members of the Board of Trustees are appointed by the Boards of Supervisors of the respective support counties, one member from each beat. Members of the Board of Trustees are appointed for staggered five-year terms which allow for continuity in board membership. They may be reappointed to additional terms at the discretion of the supervisors. County superintendents serve as ex-officio members of the Board of Trustees. They serve four-year terms that coincide with their terms of office. E. The officers of the Board are the Chairman, the Vice Chairman, and the Secretary. Special meetings shall be called by the Chairman or upon the request of a majority of the members. There are no standing committees of the Board of Trustees. However, ad hoc committees may be appointed by the Chairman to address specific issues. (See Mississippi Code of 1972 Annotated ยง37-29-65) F. Minutes shall be kept of each meeting and duly recorded in the minute book that is stored in the vault at the college.
G. A copy of the minutes shall be mailed to each board member shortly after each board meeting.
H. Individuals or groups from the general public wishing to present matters to the Board of Trustees for its consideration must notify the president of the college at least ten (10) days prior to the board meeting date. All requests must be in writing and signed by the individual or individuals making the request.
(Revised 10/12/99)
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