ECCC Policies & Procedures
1. The preferred name(s) as determined by the Special Recognition Committee will then be presented in order of preference to an ad-hoc committee of five members of the Board of Trustees (one member per county) as appointed by the Board Chairperson. This ad-hoc committee of five Board members will receive and review the order of preference of the Special Recognition Committee as well as the Nomination Packet(s) for the recommended honoree(s) and prepare a final recommendation for consideration by the full membership of the Board of Trustees. 2. The Board of Trustees will either endorse or not endorse the ad-hoc committee’s recommendation by majority vote of the Board of Trustees meeting in regular session and through a process of secret ballot. 3. If the ad-hoc committee’s recommendation is endorsed by majority vote of the Board of Trustees meeting in regular session and through a process of secret ballot, the recommendation will be approved and appropriate action by the College will be taken to name the campus building, facility, or part of a campus building or facility. Action may include, but may not be limited to, placing appropriate lettering on the building or facility, submitting a notice to local and area media of the action taken by the Board of Trustees, and/or scheduling ceremonies and/or special events to celebrate the naming of the campus building, facility, or part of a building or facility. 4. If the ad-hoc committee’s recommendation is not endorsed by majority vote of the Board of Trustees meeting in regular session and through a process of secret ballot, another recommendation received from the Special Recognition Committee may be submitted by the ad- hoc committee for consideration by the Board of Trustees. If no other recommendation was received, the President will be asked to begin the solicitation process again. 5. Due to the sensitivity of this process, the ad-hoc committee of the Board of Trustees as well as the membership of the Board of Trustees shall keep the nomination confidential as much as possible, especially to the prospective honoree. Nomination Packets will not be kept on file in the Office of the President. A separate Nomination Packet must be completed for each solicitation to name a campus building, facility, or part of a campus building or facility.
(Revised 6/8/10; Revised 8/8/17)
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