ECCC Policies & Procedures
Policy No: 205
Policy Contact: Vice President for Institutional Research & Effectiveness
For East Central Community College to meet the needs of a constantly changing society, it must keep abreast of information that pertains to the College and its service area. The function of institutional research has been assigned as a responsibility to the Vice President for Institutional Research and Effectiveness. This office has been assigned the responsibility of:
collecting institutional and external data relative to institutional planning;
producing information and reports to support institutional planning and evidence based decision- making; coordinating external reporting of information or submissions of data which serve to represent the performance of the institution; and measuring and benchmarking the performance of all facets of the institution and effectively communicating same to executive administrators and stakeholders. This research function is designed to inform and support objective, evidence-based planning and decision-making across the institution.
(Revised 6/8/10; Revised 3/19/13; Revised 11/10/15)
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