ECCC Policies & Procedures
Policy No: 202
Policy Contact: Vice President for Institutional Research & Effectiveness
Policy Title: STRATEGIC PLANNING East Central Community College defines Strategic Planning as the general process for determining institutional purpose, direction, and priorities. The College evaluated and improved its planning process in August of 2014 to increase its focus on quality enhancement and outcome-based budgeting. The process used in its development is broad-based and comprehensive to ensure institutional effectiveness in all aspects of the College. The Mission of the College drives the planning process. 2020 Visio n constitutes the Strategic Plan of the college which is supported by the annual Institutional Effectiveness Plan. 2020 Vision guides the vision, mission, and institutional commitments of the institution. The Institutional Effectiveness Plan coordinates the operational units which support 2020 Vision . 2020 Vision is strategic; the Institutional Effectiveness Plan is tactical. Together they comprise an integrated and institution-wide planning process. All goals and outcomes within the Institutional Effectiveness Plan support one or more of the institutional commitments identified by 2020 Vision . An analysis of the data that comes from the evaluation of assessment results will suggest areas of improvement. Annual budget requests by planning units flow through the Institutional Effectiveness Plan and are directly associated with goals and outcomes. The SACSOC Leadership Committee : The Committee, embedded within the Executive Council, is composed of the President, Vice President for Instruction, Vice President for Business Operations, Vice President for Student Services, Associate Vice President for Public Information, and the Vice President for Institutional Research and Effectiveness and is responsible for the coordination of 2020 Vision as well as the Institutional Effectiveness Plan. The SACSCOC Leadership Committee will review all goals, outcomes, and assessment data within the Institutional Effectiveness Plan as well as the Mission and all aspects of 2020 Vision and make a recommendation to the Board of Trustees concerning the College’s institutional planning. Institutional Effectiveness Planning Units: The planning units comprising the annual Institutional Effectiveness (IE) Plan, each unit with a corresponding planning unit leader, are determined by the SACSCOC Leadership Committee and are reflected annually in the IE Plan presented to the Board of Trustees. Planning unit leaders participate in the annual IE plan opening (Spring) and closing (Fall) meetings. Budget Units : Each budget unit will develop a set of goals and outcomes annually that is based on the institutional commitments of the institution. (See the college budget for the specific budget units.) Budgeting: Each planning unit will, as part of the annual Institutional Effectiveness Plan, submit budget requests associated with distinct planning goals and outcomes. These budget requests are specific to goals and outcomes and are not department budgets in general, i.e. the requests constitute new resources or strategic increases of existing budget items. (Revised 12/19/06; Revised 6/8/10; Edited 5/15/14; Revised 9/9/14; Reviewed 12/15/15) Personnel in all areas and functions of the College are involved in the planning process. The institutional planning structure is as follows:
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