ECCC Policies & Procedures

Policy No: 501.1

Policy Contact: Vice President for Instruction


Service oriented programs offered by Burton Library include bibliographic instruction, circulation (Policy 501.4), interlibrary loan, distance online resources, others. Auxiliary services are photocopy, fax transmission, book club, exhibits, others. Specific policies and procedures governing library services are stated in each section for that service.


Burton Library is centrally located on the East Central Community College Campus. The library has a 135 seating capacity, with shelving for approximately 50,000 volumes. The Library also contains a lobby, leisure reading area, study rooms, offices for the library staff, workroom, and public restrooms. Public access restrooms, handicapped accessible doors, and the water fountain are ADA compliant. Two special collections, the Archive Collection and the Memorabilia Collection, are also housed in Burton Library. Approximately thirty computer workstations are housed in the library, including the online catalog. Burton Library staff strives to support the College’s information literacy statement as defined as following The Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL January 18, 2000) and endorsed by the American Association for Higher Education (October 1999) and the Council of Independent Colleges (February 2004). Information literacy is a set of abilities requiring individuals to "recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information.” Burton Library provides bibliographic instruction in a variety of formats and procedures including group, one-on-one and specialized tours and a one-hour credit course covering library research, techniques, databases, and a basic overview of some government publications, special collections, and Internet searching. Bibliographic instructions are accessible and made available via the Library webpage, brochures, formal classroom setting, group tours, one-on-one sessions, and classroom presentations. Patrons may also access bibliographic assistance via MELO (Mississippi Electronic Libraries Online) which is accessible through Burton Library webpage and is available 24/7. The primary target group for bibliographic instruction and tours are the students, faculty, and staff of the College. Library instruction and tours are also provided, with advanced notice, for area high school students and the general public. Bibliographic services include library orientation and instruction, demonstrating the use of the available library resources and services; instructions of the forms of print and electronic resources via the resources, handouts, tutorials and database guides; and specific classroom / subject bibliographies and handouts targeting specific users’ needs. The library staff asks that the constituents of the College request(s) for general and specialized tours, though not limited to, be made in advance, when possible. Area high school students and the general public are encouraged to schedule tours in advance (Monday-Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.). Bibliographic Instruction

Interlibrary Loan Service

Burton Library provides interlibrary loan services as governed by the National Interlibrary Loan Code of the American Library Association. The Mississippi Community College Libraries Reciprocal Lending Agreement for the Mississippi Virtual Community College Consortium establishes a reciprocal lending agreement for system-wide library cooperation for the Mississippi Virtual Community College


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