ECCC Policies & Procedures
Policy No: 413.3
Policy Contact: Vice President for Instruction
The May commencement exercise at the conclusion of the spring term is the only one held during the year. Students completing graduation requirements at the end of the current spring term and summer and fall terms of the previous year are invited to participate in the May event. Students who are within eight (8) semester hours of meeting the graduation requirements at the conclusion of the current spring semester may participate in the annual graduation ceremony in May after meeting with the Vice President for Instruction for counseling. All students who fail to meet the graduation requirements during the specified timeframe as noted in the agreement signed during counseling with the Vice President for Instruction must reapply and pay all applicable fees during the term in which they fulfill the requirements in order to receive their diploma.
(Revised 8/13/13; Revised 3/8/16)
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