ECCC Policies & Procedures
Policy No: 411.4
Policy Contact: Vice President for Instruction
Live Work Policy (Form)
All work on any project by the East Central Community College Career-Technical Division is for the sole purpose of providing occupational training for the students in that division.
The following conditions must be met for having students work on property:
1. All work will be done by students.
2. Students and instructors are not allowed to use college equipment for repair or construction of items for which he/she receives payment for labor.
3. All materials and parts will be furnished by the individual having the work done.*
4. East Central Community College, its employees, and its students will not be held responsible for any part of the property that the owner may claim is missing or damaged and the owner hereby releases East Central Community College, its employees and its students from any and all claims for damages for missing property. 5. Due to classes in theory and other programs of learning, the College cannot give a date when work will be completed. The owner will be notified when the work is completed. Commitment will be given. 6. Property remaining on campus after the owner has been notified to remove such property or after a diligent effort has been made to contact the owner will be disposed of according to Mississippi State Law. 7. It is understood that East Central Community College assumes no responsibility for loss or damage to person or personal property. 8. It is understood that only the instructor who supervises the work by students on property and equipment will be permitted to release the property or equipment to the owner upon completion of job. Career-Technical Program in which work is to be done: _______________________________________ Automobile VIN Number: _________________________________________________________________ Automobile Make/Model/Year: ____________________________________________________________ Non-motorized equipment serial number model number _____________________ Description of work (attach sketch if applicable): ___________________________________ ______________________________________________ Signature of Person Requesting Work Address and Telephone Number Work Requested For: College EC Personnel Student ______ Other __________
Expense Charge to be Paid Instructor's Approval _________________________
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