ECCC Policies & Procedures
Policy No: 411.1
Policy Contact: Vice President for Instruction
Instructors are required to teach safety in the classroom and demonstrate safety in the shop. Students should be required to make safety a vital part of their training. Safety procedures should be outlined, and these procedures should be followed in performance of all shop operations. Safety must begin with the instructor.
The following safety procedure must be enforced in every shop at all times:
1. Safety glasses must be worn by students and instructors while doing hazardous work or while in the vicinity of hazardous work. 2. Safety chains with signs must be placed across entrances when doors are open.
3. Other safety signs must be visible for students and visitors at all times. 4. Absolutely no visitors are permitted to work in shop work areas. 5. Outsiders are not to be permitted to work in shops during class time.
6. Students and instructors of one shop are not to enter the work area of another shop. 7. Shops are to be kept clean with no oil, water, tools or materials left on floor at any time. 8. All combustible materials must be stored in approved containers and placed in proper storage area. 9. No tobacco or tobacco-related products are permitted in shops or classrooms by anyone (see also Policy 620, TOBACCO-FREE POLICY). 10. All safety devices must be properly installed and maintained on equipment and tools. 11. Instruction must be given on proper and safe use of all tools and equipment before students are allowed to use the equipment or tools. 12. Unsafe or damaged tools must not be issued for student use. 13. Food or drink is not permitted in shops or classrooms. 14. Students are not permitted in shops or classrooms without shoes, without shirts, in shorts, or in other inappropriate dress. 15. The instructor is responsible for observing the work of all students in the work area of the shops at all times to make sure the work is being done safely. 16. The instructor must be present at all times when any work is taking place in the shop. 17. The instructor is responsible for locking all doors and windows during break, lunch or anytime the instructor has to leave the shop. 18. The instructor is responsible for taking appropriate action when a student is injured. 19. The instructor is responsible for safety in his/her assigned work area. In the event a student is injured on campus, the instructor will notify the Campus Police Department immediately. For serious injuries, or if there is any doubt about the condition of an injured student, 911 should be called. All safety precautions should be enforced, and injured students should not be moved until they have been checked. 20. See also Policy 307, EMERGENCY PROCEDURES.
(Revised 12/15/15; Reviewed 3/8/16)
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