ECCC Policies & Procedures
If a student commits an act of academic dishonesty, the instructor will promptly report the incident to the appropriate Instructional Officer and will maintain records of the incident. The Instructional Officer will promptly report said instances to the Dean of eLearning Education to maintain a record of each incident.
The consequences of academic dishonesty are as follows: 1 st offense within a course:
o The student will receive a grade of zero for the assignment or project.
2 nd offense within the same course: o The student will be withdrawn from the course and given a grade of “XF”. Students are not allowed to withdraw from a course to avoid a grade of “XF”. 3 rd offense: o If a student commits three acts of academic dishonesty during his or her student career at East Central Community College, either within the same course or across more than one course, the student’s case will be reviewed by the respective Dean or Director. If said Dean or Director verifies the misconduct, the student will upon approval of the Vice President for Instruction be referred to the Disciplinary Committee with a recommendation that he or she be suspended or expelled from the College. In addition, the student will be withdrawn from the course and given a grade of “XF”. Students are not allowed to withdraw from a course to avoid a grade of “XF”. Severe offense: If a student commits an act of academic dishonesty regarding any assignment or project that will be promoted, published, or presented beyond an individual course (i.e. competitions, public events, conferences, etc.), that student’s case will be reviewed by the respective Dean or Director regardless of whether it be the student’s first, second, or third offense. If said Dean or Director verifies the misconduct, the student will upon approval of the Vice President for Instruction be referred to the Disciplinary Committee with a recommendation that he or she be suspended or expelled from the College. An MSVCC course will not be pulled in from other institutions to accommodate the immediate scheduling needs of a student who has been removed from another course due to an academic integrity violation.
Adapted from the Mississippi State University Honor Code, available at
(Added 4/12/16; Revised 5/9/17)
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