ECCC Policies & Procedures
Policy No: 404.3.1
Policy Contact: Vice President for Instruction
Any student who wishes to contest a final grade for a course must first discuss the appeal with the instructor of that course. If this fails to resolve the contestation, the student must discuss the appeal with the instructor’s division chair/director/dean. If this also fails to resolve the contestation, the student must submit a formal appeal in writing and either hand-delivered or mailed to the Vice President for Instruction, East Central Community College, P.O. Box 129, Decatur, Mississippi 39327. All formal written appeals to the Vice President for Instruction must be received within one year of the last class meeting of the course in question. The decision of the Vice President for Instruction regarding the grade for the course will be final.
(Added 6/9/15; Reviewed 3/8/16)
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