ECCC Policies & Procedures
d. Student-Created Materials: The College will retain ownership of student projects, displays, artwork, electronic media, and other intellectual property created using college-provided supplies, facilities, and equipment. The student will retain ownership of papers and essays, as well as other forms of intellectual property created at their own expense, except in such cases where ownership is transferred to the college for purposes of publication or where the student voluntarily transfers ownership to the college. e. Independent Projects: Intellectual property created by a college employee that is not part of the creator‘s employment responsibilities and that is produced on the employee‘s own time without making more than nominal use of college resources shall be owned by the creator. f. Joint Works: When a work involves multiple creators including individuals who are not college employees, the guidelines described above will be used to determine the college‘s interest in the resulting intellectual property. g. Logos, Trademarks, and College Name: East Central Community College owns all trademarks and service marks related to goods and services distributed by the college. Identifying marks include, but are not limited to, the name “East Central Community College,” “ECCC,” the official college seal, the college logo and derivative designs, and all future trademarks, service marks, and logos used by the College. h. Use of the College Name: Employees are permitted to identify themselves using the name of East Central Community College in connection with activities outside the college environment that are consistent with the College‘s mission, vision and values. In using the college‘s name in this fashion, employees must ensure that the college‘s name is used in an appropriate context and in a manner that does not imply endorsement of a particular activity, product, service, or organization. C. Administration of Intellectual Property a. Use of Copyrighted Works: It is the responsibility of the creator of any form of intellectual property to ensure that copyrights held by other entities are not infringed and that appropriate permission has been obtained for the use of copyrighted material. b. Disclosure: Any employee who plans to create intellectual property developed nominally or substantially with college equipment, materials, facilities, or other resources during working hours, and who intends to copyright, patent, or otherwise merchandise the products of that work will make written disclosure to their immediate supervisor, who will transmit the disclosure through the established chain of authority to the President. For faculty, this would normally be the Department Chair, or Dean, Vice President for Instruction, and President. c. Compensation for Commercial Development: In cases where commercial development results from intellectual property that has been developed making substantial use of college resources but is not a “work for hire,” the President will assign a special committee to work with the creator(s) of the work to determine reasonable compensation for the work. In such cases, the College will endeavor to recover its costs (materials, equipment, facilities, and time) associated with the work before assigning special compensation to the creator. d. Textbooks and Teaching Materials Produced for Commercial Distribution: College personnel who author textbooks or other materials for commercial distribution must not use their position within the college for personal gain by requiring purchase of the materials by students or the college without specific approval utilizing college policy for adoption of textbooks and materials.
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