ECCC Policies & Procedures
Policy No: 400.13
Policy Contact: Vice President for Student Services
The Director of Admissions and Records and the Admissions and Records Clerk/Veterans Affairs (VA) Enrollment Services serve as the Veterans Affairs Officers for the College. In accordance with Mississippi Code §37-103-25 as amended by Mississippi Senate Bill 2127 of the 2015 Legislative Session, East Central Community College shall charge tuition at the in-state tuition rate for a student who is a veteran as defined by Title 38 of the United States Code, or a person entitled to education benefits under Title 38 of the United States Code. Students who are veterans or dependents of veterans shall submit one of the following documents to receive in-state tuition: Certificate of Eligibility (CoE), Transfer of Eligibility (ToE), Adjudication Letter (disabled veterans), DD-214 showing Active Duty, a Mississippi Driver’s License showing veteran certification, or any other document approved by the Mississippi Community College Board for veteran certification. This documentation must be submitted prior to or during a semester in order to receive in-state tuition charges for said semester, and in-state tuition rates shall become effective upon approval of submitted documentation.
(Revised 5/12/2015; Revised 4/12/16)
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