ECCC Policies & Procedures
Policy No: 400.8.1
Policy Contact: Vice President for Student Services
East Central Community College (ECCC) grants transfer credit based on content, level and comparability of the courses, applicability of the courses to fulfilling degree requirements of the student’s intended major, performance quality of the student in the courses, and accreditation of the institution at which the work was completed. Credits earned at degree granting institutions accredited by national or professional organizations which are recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) and/or the U.S. Department of Education (USDE) may be considered for acceptance by the Director of Admissions and Records. The College uses the Uniform Course Numbering System in Mississippi issued by the Mississippi Community College Board for transfer of academic credits from another institution of higher education. Academic courses eligible for transfer must be included in the Uniform Course Numbering System in Mississippi or must be equivalent to the courses included in the Uniform Course Numbering System in Mississippi. The College uses the Uniform Course Numbering System for Career and Technical Education issued by the Mississippi Community College Board for transfer of career or technical credits from another institution of higher education. Career or technical courses must be included in the Uniform Course Numbering System for Career and Technical Education or must be equivalent to the courses included in the Uniform Course Numbering System for Career and Technical Education. Only courses from programs approved by the Mississippi Community College Board for ECCC are eligible for transfer. Technical credits from health related programs that have ended in a successful terminal degree will not be eligible for transfer. Transfer credit is identified on an official college transcript and cannot exceed the College’s credit value assigned to the course. Credit is allowed only for those courses in which a grade of “D” or better has been earned if the cumulative grade point average (GPA) from the transferring institution is a 2.0 or higher.
(Revised 11/9/10; Revised 3/17/15; Reviewed 4/12/16)
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