ECCC Policies & Procedures
Policy No: 400.7
Policy Contact: Vice President for Instruction
Policy Title: ADMISSION OF SURGICAL TECHNOLOGY STUDENTS Surgical Technology is an instructional program that prepares an individual to serve as a member of a surgical team. Graduates of this 12-month program will be awarded the Certificate of Surgical Technology. The Associate of Applied Science degree in Surgical Technology will be awarded the successful graduate of the 24-month program. Qualified graduates may apply to the Association of Surgical Technologies for the National Certifying Examination and become a Certified Surgical Technologist.
Admission Requirements
To be admitted to the Surgical Technology Program, applicants must meet the following criteria:
1. The applicant must be of legal working age (18) before program completion; 2. The applicant must have a 12 th grade education as demonstrated by a high school diploma or its equivalent as demonstrated by the GED® certificate; 3. The applicant must be in good physical condition as verified by a medical examination and certifying report* (National Certification Requirement); 4. Applicants must have an ACT composite score of 16 with a 12 in math and reading, or 12 composite if taken before October 1989, with a 12 in math and reading; 5. The applicant must have acceptable personal qualities as established through a personal interview; 6. Applicants shall be selected for interviews by the Surgical Technology Admissions Committee; 7. The applicant must be recommended for admission by the Surgical Technology Admissions Committee; and 8. The applicant must have CPR-C certification. Qualified applicants for the Surgical Technology Program will be considered on a competitive basis. Meeting the admission criteria does not guarantee admission into the program. Applicants for the program are evaluated using ACT score, academic course work, and grade point average (GPA). The number of students admitted into the program each year will vary according to resources available. The application deadline is June 1 for Spring admission. Post acceptance requirements for students selected include a physical examination; MMR immunizations; Hepatitis B vaccines; proof of 2 step TB skin test; criminal background check; and American Heart Association Healthcare Provider Course. All students must agree to be randomly tested for drugs at any point and time while enrolled in any healthcare program. The student is responsible for all expenses associated with testing. All Healthcare Education Division students must submit to and satisfactorily complete a criminal background check. Admission may be rescinded and reversed based on review of the students’ criminal background check. Students who refuse to submit to a criminal background check or do not pass the criminal background check review will be dismissed from the program. Students who are dismissed from a Healthcare Education Division program may seek admission into another educational program. (Added 11/12/02; Revised 10/14/03; Revised 10/12/04; Revised 6/14/05; Revised 8/9/11; Revised 3/17/15; Revised 11/10/15)
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