ECCC Policies & Procedures
Policy No: 400.1
Policy Contact: Vice President for Instruction
Academic students are those who are taking classes that lead to the Associate of Arts or Associate of Science degrees. In general, academic students intend to transfer the work completed at East Central Community College (ECCC) to a college or university and have that work apply toward a Bachelor of Arts or a Bachelor of Science degree. Technical students are those who are taking classes that lead to the Associate of Applied Science degree. This degree combines intensive technical training in a specific career with relevant academic courses and professional development. The Associate of Applied Science degree is traditionally structured for completion in four semesters by students who are academically prepared for College level work. To be admitted as a student to an academic or technical program at ECCC, an applicant must have on file in the Office of Admissions and Records: 1. A signed (digitally, if online) and dated official college application; 2. One of the following; An official high school transcript indicating the receipt of a regular high school diploma from an approved* high school including the date of graduation and appropriate signature(s); or An official state and locally approved high school equivalency exam transcript; or Official College transcript(s) from degree granting institution(s) accredited by national or professional organizations which are recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) and/or the U.S. Department of Education (USDE) . *NOTE: If the high school transcript indicating the receipt of a regular high school diploma is from a school that is not approved by the College, the prospective student must present an official state and locally approved high school equivalency exam transcript or submit an ACT composite of 14 or better or the equivalent score(s) on the COMPASS/Accuplacer placement tests to be admitted into an academic or technical program at the College. 3. Scores on the American College Test (ACT), SAT Reasoning, or the COMPASS/Accuplacer Placement Test. Applicants who have already achieved a passing grade in College Algebra or English Composition I may be admitted to the College without the aforementioned assessments. Admission into certain programs of study or certain courses may still, however, require 1 or more of these scores. Admission as an East Central Community College student does not guarantee admission to a specific program of study. For degree seeking transfer students, official transcripts from all previously attended accredited degree granting institutions of higher education are required by the Office of Admissions and Records.
(Revised 8/9/05; Revised 9/13/2011; Revised 3/17/15; Revised 11/10/15; Revised 10/11/16)
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