ECCC Policies & Procedures
Policy No: 309
Policy Contact: President
The decision to cancel classes, close the college, and/or delay opening of the college due to emergencies or bad weather shall be made by the President of the college or his designee. Warrior Alert will be implemented by the Associate Vice President for Public Information and/or the Dean of Information Technology to notify students and employees of such decisions. In the event the decision is made outside of regular office hours (e.g. due to icy roads in the morning, etc.) the Associate Vice President for Public Information shall be responsible for contacting area radio and television stations informing them of the closing, as well as distributing the information through social media and the college’s website. 1. Decision to cancel classes, close the college, and/or delay opening of the college to be made at or before 6:00 a.m. if possible; 2. Students and employees to be notified via the Warrior Alert system upon the decision being made; 3. All contact with radio and television stations to be made at or before 6:30 a.m. regarding the decision or as soon as possible after the decision is made; 4. An announcement regarding the decision to be posted on the college web site; and 5. A notification regarding the decision to be placed on the college’s Facebook, Twitter, and other social media pages. Steps to be followed in most instances include:
(Please also refer to Policy 307, EMERGENCY PROCEDURES)
(Revised 6/8/10; Revised 6/14/16)
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