2016 Combined

Annual Report Card Shows High Marks for ECCC in Student Success, Student Progre.\'S In accordance with

15 \itississipp1 communlt) junior colleges lnfnmmt1on contained in the report in eludes student enrollment. degrees awarded. student success, student retention, student progress, \\Orkforcc development information, and GED~ and adult ha,ic education statistics, as "'ell as enrollment and 'ucccs' in deYelopment or rcmcdi.11 course\\ ork (college readi ncss). In the 20 I 'i Com munit) College Repo1 t C.11 d. ECCC compared well aga111st state averages in numcr ous categories. East Centnll achieved elite status in Total Student Success and Stu dent Progress. or progres sion towards graduation ol full-time, first-time students through two years. l·CCC also saw a dramatic increase in completions from 419 to 576 over the previous year. Overall graduation rate, retention of students in

for credit prP1!rr1ms. number of students <:en ed through ' orkforce trnining acth 1ties, nnd de\ dopmcntal math rntnt1co; c;tudcnts complet ing College /\lgehra were other mens in \\hich ECCC \\ n-; nn 0111i the leaders in the 'il:tlC In addition. East Central had a rositt,·e em ph') nicnt imp.ac1 in its fhc count) di<>trict ol I ca1'e, Ne hoba. C\\ 11111. ~colt, und \\ m... 1011 co 111t1cs ran1'- 111g high in the '>late 111 the increase in the number of workforce trainees finding cmplo)ment and in wages earned by certificate com plc1cr~. The 2015 Perfor mance Profile (Report Card} for ECCC can be found on the college's website at http:// W\\ \\.cccc.edu ·consumcr-in fom1ation. In addition, a copy or the 2015 Perfom1ance Pro fi lc can he obtained from the Office of the President.

of annual institutional and state report cards. The Community College Report Card, de signed to reflect the unique mission of community col leges, incorporates mea sures closely aligned with the Voluntary Framework of Accountability developed by the American Associa tion of Community Colleges. Therefore, each report card includes information for the specific community/junior college, along with corre sponding figures for the state system, which includes all

Mississippi House Bill No. 1071 from the 2010 legisla tive session, East Central Community College in De catur has released its 2015 Community College Per r om1ance Profile, or Report Card. The bill created an Ed ucation Achievement Coun cil which was established to set education achieYe ment goals for institutions of higher learning and commu nity and junior colleges in the state and to assist in monitor ing progress towards those goals through the preparation

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